Sunday, January 13, 2013

Euphoric Enigma

Some one under the effect of Unknown Happiness.

How to get this feeling without being dependent on adderrall?

Monday, January 7, 2013

Smoothazing: rediculously smooth.

Sex addicts like that feeling of cumming because they space out from the world.

RC in 310 to yuma asks and when he sees other person rejection, he lowers his eyes and brings his face down. he asks next question on a deep, low voice and than looks up before the question ends.

beautiful eyes she doesnt look. he pushes greenest eyes i ever saw. looking down the whole time so he is not confrontational. He continues than when she looks at him that she has the greenest eyes..he says like yours. His voice turns diff, what did you say your name was again. he will not tell anyone by his vibe. he is nice.

being nice when asking questions but confident. like getting a gun from the movie yes man, saving a life.

reading online profiles and really seeing the message behind her dating profile.

Word of the day:

Your ability to pull out a smooth line from any situation

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Damaged Ego n Desperate Vulnerability is beyond repair

Into Darkness

Benedicts Monologue:

"You think your world is safe? It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you. Enjoy these final moments of peace. For I have returned to have my vengeance. So, shall we begin? "

high 3.....

sons of anarchy: jake. Why women love him?

Nice, sweet, respectful, smiling, non threatening, the way he tore up the cops car....CONFIDENCE,CHARMING,RESPONSIBLE.

He is not your typical nice guy. He respects women, non desperate/need in approach, always smiling, will never tell anyone, easy to tell secrets to,

eventually tell secret to and never hammers u with insulting jokes,

No matter how pretty that estp is, she still cries herself for an hour to sleep,

Jake is very clear, popular, cool confidence, respectful even when can we have sex,

Them having an orgasm is as spaced out

Knots in body....let go

Yoga clears the knots in the body?

Can Hank Moody read women and than go for the approach? He knows how the procedure in speed of what type of woman she is, and how to seduce her?

Crap, do I have to watch the show again?

Can i be watching californication different than them?

Players get hank moody and giggle. Non players try to copy the mehod or laugh it how she falls for him. Player look at there approach not howshe goes about it. It about them

Hating to get that original orgasm feeling when with ex rather than that hate orgasm. When you cum it was worth it CAUSE OF THE FEELING you just had. Not the METHOD.

Emil was nice to me months, years, the whole time, how can he be in jail she thinks.

Do casonavas take longer on purpose or the woman needs more time to be seduced?

Peter has this metal side but neals pushing his buttons to see the free, funny side

detevive with neal gets neals joke and is cool about it, makes her less tense

like frustrated in show cant get his dick sucked by wife so he is pissed of in friends group when they are talking about blowjobs from wives. they eventaully joke with the chump about not getting a blowjob that eventually he cuts all ties. friends realize this is a real situation for him so they try to help him asap. they dont like this depressed, angry girl side.

Streching of the pussy feeling is what they love also. Theylove the girth because of the stretching, extremely rare feeling.

ISTP doesnt think. If he commits to a promise like backing his wife up, he doesnt care what she says or does, he will be with her. How do you change his direction without interrupting his vow?

310 to yuma, RC confidence when asking bale about his leg while cutting steak.Bale family go first nothing matters. He is there  but no feelings from him. No emotions. Bale good guy so will do anything for family. They didnt know bale would be charming also?
Bale vey firm but cant take the risk. surprised when he gives up so much
Dinner table she shows dirty look when giving prayer. He eats and goes further to say amen in a sarcastic way...
Bale acting like good father telling him its a bad thing. Crowe comes again in a sarcastic bullyahole way. Ask Bart, than reads passage by looking down. Look game going with bale wife, same look and than a smile when finishing. she is intrigued where he got that from. maybe he is good? Now crowe is acting like a dick, Do you eat more when you are nervous, Mr. Butterfield? lol  No fat greasy said in  a way where Bale cant swing. He knows it. Asks about leg looking away but in a serious way. Caring, curious look first. Than changes tone, how you got your leg shot off? Or the mice took it?Very calm smiley way if you been to SF? No..Deepens and lowers voice and asks question directly but in a soft tone. Green eyes I ever saw in a look down way but challenges. Green eyes I ever saw. He knows she has green eyes. Competion but in a soft nice way. Than looks at her not directly saying like yours when she is looking at him Not looking at her directly but sideways...saying I look deep into them as they changed colors. What did you say your name was again in such a nice gentle way.

IS J more about keeping the family well as far as materials but no emotion to wife. Bringing him to justice? You just dont get it Bale. I dont understand your family protective emotions. What about loving us she thinks? Waiting for you look at me...where did that emotion to her come from she looks. About how boys looks at him, his pity stories, the women dont feel anything. They attach that good feeling spark to Protecting her house. 

When players say it, its like said to everyone, no feeling, direct but cant be too fast about it.

Richard gere shopping at club monaco. the ways he talks to manager compared to other employees

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


body in knots.....gotta let it flow.

Watching sons of anarchy now....

spaced out

Spaced out

Spaced out. Mind clear. Happy thoughts.  Clear straight line

Keep it down to loud firm not harsh or mean. When revenge creepy feeling vibe. Just say it and get it over with

Thinking blocks the high. Clear lets me free

Just let the high take you places you couldnt reach while sober. Dont analyze to much.

it takes your mind right off of the paranoid thought line! One particular gem I had that cured me of the weed thoughts was stir fried chicken, awesome.

Tool mindset not even in my high. There vision is out of my circle reach.

Girls get high to enjoy the space out. Vicious thoughts end. Clear as is spaced out

Happy high cant even tell if kill someone

Sun is shining everyday what are these kids on?

My questions overanalyze interrupt his high

Im still in bubble. Kids in video have way wider imagination

Underground society never felt b4

Emil with ex passing by walking to nightclub party on another level

U have to stretch urself to the extreme to get to that level.

Girl dancing in video everyday enjoying music. She looks and u start question as spikes and she cant hear. U look pretty either ok thanks let me get lost in the beat or that is sweet u had to raise ur voice.

Happy thoughts enjoying space out. That’s y emil likes space when spaced out. U look more people bc it gets boring if theater not full.

Girls can tell by gab that he is got it like if she party at netsky party screaming loud, need to bring similar energy or something good rather than spikes. Keep in my she party one way and u anther.

They want to space out.

Spaced out in concert and u r overanalyzing shit to the max

I agree with GT. Women smell desperation from a mile away. Don't worry too much about impressing people. Enjoy yourself and the time spent with others, and you'll be steps ahead.

Don't even try to get them, just do your best to enjoy your life.

Well, I'd say that an advantage we ESTPs have is that natural charm, matched with that "what you see is what you get, if you don't like what you see it's no skin off my ass" attitude. We're pretty honest & I think that people in general, but especially girls, tend to be attracted to that quality. Every girl I've liked has gotten the same thing from me. I introduced myself, made her laugh right away, complimented her & such, but never shied away from topics or anything. I always was brutally honest about myself & my oppinions on things, & if she didn't like me (has happened in the past), I rubbed my hands together & got over it. I value my ability to dive into shit & dive right back out without giving much of a damn. No hard feelings, sweet pea.

If not being invested in the outcome means not worrying about grades and results and thus being more stress-free when studying, I guess it can slightly work on your favor.

If it means you just don't give a sh**, yeah it probably wouldn't work out...